I kinda feel stupid now. because i tried before and none of this was appearing in an internet search before for traffipax.
www.traftech2000.com/robot/files/Traffiphoto_en.pdfTHIS IS IT!!! I found it!!
It is under the road! no radAr after all!
my stupid.
TraffiPhot III-SR
TraffiPhot III-SR stands guard 24
hours a day, 7 days a week, 365
days a year. The unit records all
vehicles crossing the stop line
during the red phase of a traffic
light. The system is connected to
the control unit of the traffic
light and is activated during the
red light time.
Triggering of the unit and speed
measurement are achieved by
means of one, two or three pairs
of induction loops, depending
on the number of traffic lanes.
The loops are embedded in the
surface of the road near the stop
The unit has a speed measuring
range of 1 to 400 km/h (1 to 250
mph). The speed limit which will
trigger the camera can be set in
1 km/h or 1 mph steps.
When a
vehicle crosses the induction
loops during the red phase, the
first picture is taken instantly, or
after a preset delay time has
elapsed. A second picture is
taken automatically as proof that
the vehicle has actually crossed
the stop line. The interval between the pictures can be set
within a range from 1/2 to 10
Alternatively, the ope-
rator may determine the position
of the car on the second photo-
I smell set-up here and jiggery pokery with the timing galore. seems to me like it is evident that my first 0.7 second Macciesfield photo could infact have been a delayed 0.7 seconds AFTER RED! not taken at exactly the position and time we are led to believe and the signal from the traffic lights could easily be changed so that ...hmmmmm... THE INDUCTIVE LOOP TRIGGER COULD BE CHANGED TO FIRE OFF THE REAR WHEELS OF THE VAN! NOT THE FRONT WHEELS! and that is about 6 - 7 METERS! ALSO, if you remember the OLD STOP LINE/s for the traffic lights are fURTHER FORWARD! PAST! which have been removed, but i bet the inductive loops are still under the road! OR they might have one under the road further BACK than the stop line and trip you off an earlier position!
Also its true that the bend distance IS deceptive to approach distance! i will measure the distance and time of that as well!
Data for prosecution
All details for the prosecution are
contained in a data line printed
on the upper margin of the
• distance between the leading
edges of the loops
• time and date of the offence
• a code number
• the amber and red start time
of the traffic light
• a photo number with indi-
cation for the 1st and 2nd
picture (if applicable, also on
additional pictures of a line of
vehicles or multiaxled vehicles)
• the speed measured
• the speed limit of the site
(if the speed measurement
function is activated) and the
indication of the traffic lane.
Automatic speed measure-
ment during the amber and
green phase
TraffiPhot III-SR unit accuracy for
speed measurement is generally
within the following tolerances
3 km/h up to 100 km/h
3 % above 100 km/h
2 mph up to 62 mph
3 % above 62 mph
The measured speed is compared
with the preset speed limit of the
measured site. When the speed
of the vehicle exceeds the speed
limit, the camera is triggered. On
the photograph the vehicle
measured is shown with clearly
legible licence plate and all data.
As an option the unit can be pro-
grammed to take a second
picture of a speed violation.
If an identification of the driver is
desired, the system can be install-
ed so that it takes frontal photo-
graphs of the vehicle and driver.
Special Feature
TraffiPhot III-SR can be equipped
with our wet film camera, the
legendary ROBOT MotorRecorder,
as well as with our digital
camera, the innovative ROBOT
SmartCamera. Devices that were
delivered recently are compatible
in both directions without the
need to carry out excessive
hardware modifications.
ROBOT SmartCamera
• Has been designed especially
for the needs of traffic photo-
• Consists of a modular system
based on a complete standard
• Offers a storage capacity of
several thousand exposures
depending on the size of the
built-in hard disc.
• A license plate reader software
can be integrated including all
options of providing black lists
in order to identify wanted
license numbers.
• In the course of processing data
online connections are possible
as well as the additional stora-ge of data on a media like
ROBOT MotorRecorder
• Can be equipped with a stan-
dard film cartridge or with the
ROBOT 30 m film magazine
which has an outstanding ca-
pacity of up to 800 exposures.
• The MultiScript System with its
automatic aperture control
and its possibility to represent
graphic symbols realizes the
display of Arabic or Chinese.
Legendary Reliability -
Easy maintenance
The entire inner housing can be
easily removed from the outer
housing without unplugging any
The TraffiDesk system with its
high performance scanner and
direct interfaces is available for
the evaluation and processing of
data concerning the different
proceedings instituted against
infringements of traffic laws.
Press information confirms
effectiveness of the
TraffiPhot III-SR system
A report released recently by the
US Federal Highway Admini-
stration shows that red light runn-
ing violations decreased by as
much as 60% at intersections
where cameras automatically
enforce the law.
‘These results indicate once
again that innovation and new
technologies, such as cameras
used to prevent red light runn-
ing, can help improve safety,’ US
Transportation Secretary Rodney
E. Slater said.
Maryland’s public education and
awareness programs which
include TRAFFIPAX TraffiPhot III-SR
systems at selected intersections,
resulted in a decrease in acci-
dents of up to 50%
www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TSS-Traffic-Safety-Systems-Robot-Traffiphot-III-G-Traffipax-Red-Light-Camera-/351390667414?nma=true&si=tmBIkj46lLSyHnWFucGQirm7Zgc%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557One traffipax TSS traffic safety systems - Robot Traffiphot III-G Traffipax red light camera
sold or bidding ended 09 May 2015 ! WARRINGTON CHESHIRE!
Is this a government Joke?!
I cannot remember the FLASH going off in Macclesfield! I wonder if its on the Cheshire East Council CCTV?!